EXTENDED: https://youtu.be/i2_PI3rAr18
(More details below)
#Cancer- extended #tarot readings unlock via membership, which grants every sign's extended for the next month. Follow your situation in full detail with your moon, rising, sun, venus, etc (and your person's). Cancel any time. FOR PERSONAL READINGS; tarot, psychic, twin flame, empath, soulmate, astrology or other types, see below.
Book a private session through my sponsor Keen. Get a first ten minute booking for only $1.99 through my link. No strings attached: https://trykeen.com/taroverse (I receive compensation from anyone who signs up and purchases a session through my link- thank you!)
Donations: You tip your bartender for pouring a drink, the deliveryman for driving, a waitress for carrying your food; consider tipping your favorite readers who work with energy to help you spiritually. You can help support me directly through clicking super thanks (the heart icon) underneath any video, by becoming a member, or through private sessions through my sponsor. This exchange of energy truly helps.
Membership info video & signup: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWEdyKP-SoqODuM4Sjn3NyA/join
Taroverse merch: https://taroverse.creator-spring.com