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Cawnpore, India July, 1857. We've been here before, another small British garrison is under siege but this is where our story comes to a head. The EIC, now under "new management" seeks to add India to its "Age of Reform". Scrubbing away the last vestiges of the Mughal Empire and paving the way for "British Civilization".
If you missed the previous episodes check them out here:
Part One - A Historical Paradox - https://youtu.be/E4vonIphF4E
Part Two - East India Companies - https://youtu.be/AqCWlABVddY
Part Three - The Black Hole - https://youtu.be/x1JwJJybHDs
Part Four - The Company Raj - https://youtu.be/ZYIf2MtIcEY
Part Five - The Empty Chair - https://youtu.be/o0vBdP5hFng
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♪ Get the intro music here!
*Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H
♪ Outro music: "British India" by Tiffany Roman
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