Denvax Clinic - 18, Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi Phone - 011-41060168, 1800-123-1132
0:00 What is cancer immunotherapy ?
0:53 Cancer immunotherapy and other cancer treatments
1:46 How cancer cell-based therapy is different from other immunotherapies
2:38 Can we do cancer cell-based immunotherapy through medicine?
3:26 Can we take cancer immunotherapy to prevent cancer?
3:59 Variation in life expectancy between cancer patients
4:56 Why don't we get answers from you in the comment section?
6:12 Cancer patient's conflicts and dilemmas regarding treatment
7:53 What is the right time to take cancer immunotherapy?
8:51We would like to see more success stories of cancer patients who were treated at Denvax
Dr. Jamal A. Khan is a pioneer in cancer immunotherapy in India, with over 17 years of exclusive clinical experience in dendritic cell therapy. His work on dendritic cell therapy in treating cancer is unparalleled in India.
www.denvaxindia.com for more information.
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