Dr. Katharine Pace Miles has conducted research on emergent learning of high frequency words (HFW). She will be sharing her findings as it pertains to learning HFW in isolation vs. in-context, learning content vs. function HFW, and the questionable approach of having emergent readers learn these words in isolation on flashcards. Dr. Miles will discuss alternative approaches to learning HFW that align with Ehri's theory of orthographic mapping.
Here are the links to more information https://www.readingrescue.org/reading-ready-3
https://www.katiepacemilesphd.com/, https://8a32f1b6-30f5-406b-bcc0-278f25004ab8.filesusr.com/ugd/1479fd_fa92860909d7438aa29df3da713d817d.pdf