Solsea Official Site: https://solsea.io/
My NFT On Solsea: https://solsea.io/collection/61765fc0a89cad4e94a10522
My NFT On Refinable: https://app.refinable.com/profile/0x1f1e63dfe1e0eca35bb5f34c9cfcb9b941a61902
NFTs are incredibly powerful but an extremely new technology so we are all very early.
NFTs hold a lot of potential for getting artists paid and appreciated for their work. Because artists and musician put so much time into their work so it’s comforting to see there is a new way of getting compensated and getting noticed by a large group of people.
0:00 Introduction
0:57 Why Solsea?
1:42 Get started with phantom wallet
2:26 Solsea Guide
6:13 Final word to all musician
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I'm not a professional financial adviser and you should always do your own research. I may hold the cryptocurrencies talked about in the video.