#yakutsk #danmanik #russia #icefishing
I this video you will see me eating delicious ghas phoos in yakutian restaurant because there is nothing special for vegetarians but on the other side I got to do the activities in the Lena river by cutting Ice and also watch Ice fishing .
In rural areas of Yakutia, where winter can last for half a year, ice is the main source of drinking water and it is also used in the household. The practice of ice harvesting is very old and passed from one generation to another. The traditional technology hasn`t changed much through time.
Usually it`s the men of the region who do the ice harvesting. To get the right shaped blocks of ice the territory is first marked with a small crowbar, that`s also called an icepick.
The ice is being harvested in early november when its thickness reaches 20-25 cm. After marking the ice, a big rectangular block of ice is being cut out. After dividing the ice into sections, the harvesting begins. Men work from morning till evening on weekends. The ice «harvest» is then divided among the participants and goes to low-income sections of the population. On average, every winter a family of 4-5 people uses 5 cars of ice, each one with 3,5 ice cubes.
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