Importance of Self Care

Importance of Self Care

Importance of Self Care

Self Care:
“The practice of taking an active role in protecting ones own well being and happiness.”

Don’t ignore you inner check engine light.

Are you doing any of these?

Say “No” more often
Call a dear friend
Be your own best friend
Loving Self Talk
Breathe - Relax body
Sit in Nature - in the Sun
Take a bath
Put your phone down
Listen to favorite song or music
Hug someone
Hug yourself
Spend time alone
Spend time with people who make you smile
Pet a dog or cat
Get a Massage - for fun, not to fix body
Spa day (hair, nails, massage, etc)
Forgive yourself
Take a nap
Make sleep a priority
Plan a fun activity alone or with someone
Read a REAL book, not digital. And not about TMS or fixing yourself in any way.
Live life - don’t fix
Move your body - exercise
Take a walk
Feel emotions - honor them - name them -don’t judge them.
Play music
Recognize your strengths
Tackle tasks that are stressing you out
Get off social media
Don’t compare yourself to others
Don’t believe your negative thinking
Do something creative
Ask How much fun can I have today? - then do something fun
Learn to do things that make YOU happy and nobody else.
Be selfish sometimes. You deserve it.
Adult coloring books
Ask empowering questions. “Why do I love myself so much?”
Unfollow toxic “friends” on social media. Block if needed.
Want more information about pain, how it starts, how it becomes chronic? Watch the video at

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