Lifestyle Budgeting | How I manage money every time I get paid and avoid living paycheck to paycheck

Lifestyle Budgeting | How I manage money every time I get paid and avoid living paycheck to paycheck

There are sooooo many budgeting methods to help you learn how to manage your money. As I learned more about personal finance, I created Lifestyle Budgeting as a budgeting method because nothing was working for my situation. I lacked balance and restricting myself wasn't sustainable.

Lifestyle Budgeting allows you to get clear on where you are vs. where you want to be. After listing your income and expenses, you'll see if you should
1. Increase your income
2. Decrease your expenses

Be real with yourself and make a decision to do whatever it takes to be a better steward of your money. After getting clear on what you have coming in vs. leaving out, separate your money into four categories to use money as a tool.

1. Save
2. Spend
3. Invest
4. Give

Treat your lifestyle budget just like a financial GPS. Having balance is key but it's your money so tell it where you want it to go. Let me know in the comments if this video was helpful. If you want to download the sneak peek of my ebook and purchase the full copy the links are below!

Resources mentioned:
1. Lifestyle Budgeting: SNEAK PEEK

2. Lifestyle Budgeting: Purchase FULL COPY

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Hey, homegirl or homeboy! Through my financial hardships, in college, I learned the importance of financial literacy. Nobody had ever taught me a thing about money so unfortunately, I had to fall flat on my face and make some mistakes to learn. I knew I wasn’t the only 20 something who struggled with managing money properly so I created The Responsible Homegirl: a digital brand that promotes financial education and entrepreneurship! If you can relate to my story in any way and you're ready to begin your personal finance journey, start here by subscribing to the YouTube channel.


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