Meet Daisy Madeline Wallman! The Newest Addition To Our Family!

Meet Daisy Madeline Wallman! The Newest Addition To Our Family!

Soooo hello everyone!!!! Finally our baby girl has been born! Meet Daisy Madeline Wallman! She was born at 4.02am! 25th November 2021! You honestly don’t realise how much of a proud father I am right now I’m literally on cloud 9! So proud of mum too! What an amazing women Kieghley is! Could not be happier! The kids are at school and Kieghley should be back home this evening so the next video we post should be of Kade and Parker meeting their sister for the first time! Then we can get the video you all wanna see! Millie and the husky gang meeting her!! Hope this made you all smile. All please click link below to join our new YouTube channel!... Thanks for watching. Love you all!

New babyBabyNewborn

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