Daily life vlog. I have resigned from my job. Those who follows this vlog for a while might know that I’ve been unhappy with my work recently. Well, I was so I have quitted but not to do Youtube. Youtube can’t feed me at the moment. But thankfully, I’ve got a new job to go to. It is a blessing.
I’ve been busy the past 2 weeks finding and hiring my successor to take over my job. So I went back to office to pack my stuff and also to meet my successor. It was quite tiring to pack my stuff and brought them home so I was really tired just after 2 days. This is the record.
IG: @eueuandbunny
Before you left - Yehezkel Raz
Morning With You - The David Roy Collective
Song No. 34 - Unfinished Songs
Link: https://youtube.com/c/unfinishedsongs
Thank U - 오늘의 일기
아침의 운동 - 오늘의 일기
Link: https://youtube.com/channel/UCM4rFS9nLw2AiBNiDWBNChg
Good To Go - Tyler Ashley
Lost Lovers - Paper Planes
#silentvlog #slowliving #jobs
Filmed with iPhone 12
Editor: VLLO
Simple daily life, simple vlog, silent vlog, slow living, calming vlog, relaxing vlog, peaceful vlog, soothing vlog, aesthetic vlog, healing vlog, simple days, daily life vlog, simple life, 平凡日子, 日常生活, 简单生活日记, 심플라이플, 심플데이, 일상생활