I decided to get my street trials bike out and send some banger tricks! After recently returning from an injury and 3 months off the bike I noticed that my balance and some precision on the bike was slightly off so I thought what better way to sharpen these skills then on my little trials bike!
I started the session with some basic MTB moves on concrete blocks and then sent a few more difficult lines before the rain came... however this did not stop us and I was able to send some technical trial lines and banger tricks!
My trials bike I am using in this video was passed down to me by Sam Pilgrim and its a 24" inspired flow! I love riding this bike because its super fun and offers a different style which is different from going fast, hitting huge jumps and doing flips and tricks!
In my opinion trials riding is great fun and its also great for improving your basic MTB skills as it teaches balance and control which can be helpful when riding trail!
I hope that you enjoy this video! :)