Top 10 REAL Stories From The ER That Made Doctors Quit Their Jobs
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Medical mistakes are a common occurrence. And doctors have to live with the guilt of those mistakes, but if a medical mistake is made in the ER room then it's a different kind of problem. The emergency room houses patients in need of urgent care. Shout out to all the medical workers out there. the stuff they witness on a daily basis must be traumatizing. Today we are going to be looking at some of the most gruesome stories shared by ER workers from body parts falling off to tragic accidents lets talk about this and more only in today's video Top 10 REAL Stories From The ER That Made Doctors Quit Their Jobs.
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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
00:20 The car accident
00:54 The haunted hospital
01:41 Nearly headless
02:25 The motorcycle accident
02:50 The last moment
03:22 Skeleton man
04:04 The makeshift bandage
04:49 The man in the room
05:50 The puncture wound
06:29 The limb
Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh- https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/
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Hosted By:
Lindsay Ivan: https://www.instagram.com/lindsay_ivan/
Edited By:
Jennire Narvaez: https://www.instagram.com/jennirenarvaezphotography/
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