Toxic air pollution chokes cities in India, Pakistan | DW News

Toxic air pollution chokes cities in India, Pakistan | DW News

Anyone venturing outdoors in the Indian capital, Delhi today is taking a risk. Air quality charts state if they stay outside in Delhi for too long they could contract a respiratory illness. The government has been forced to take measures to curb off-the-scale levels of pollution - including banning some cars, halting construction work and for the first time ever - closing schools. It seems schools will now be able to open on Monday. But there's still no long-term solution to the pollution problem in sight. As DW's Manira Chaudhary reports, that has forced some to consider leaving the city altogether.

It's a similar story with smog in Lahore, in neighboring Pakistan. The city is one of the three most polluted in the world according to a Swiss air quality monitoring company. Like Delhi, here too, residents are facing the effects of industrial and vehicular pollution, and smoke from crop burning. Its prompted authorities to organize so called anti-smog squads to intervene where they can.
00:00 Delhi schools set to re-open on Monday
00:43 Pollution in Delhi
03:34 Pollution in Lahore
04:00 Anti-smog squads
05:45 One of world's most polluted cities


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