Which inFAMOUS Game is THE BEST?

Which inFAMOUS Game is THE BEST?

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InFAMOUS: 11 Years Later - Is it Still Good? https://youtu.be/BHM2-G2s2cg
InFAMOUS 2 is Almost a Perfect Sequel, Here's Why https://youtu.be/2Prazhx6dU4
InFAMOUS Festival of Blood: A Critique & Analysis https://youtu.be/PuidvZSpxWg
A Critique of InFAMOUS Second Son https://youtu.be/nMQhVwasBRA
InFAMOUS First Light: DLC Done Right https://youtu.be/V246ujqlOfg

Over the past year or so, I have replayed to near completion, every InFAMOUS game and after reflecting on those playthroughs I have had a difficult question in front of me. Which InFAMOUS game is the best? It seems like it may be an easy question to answer but now that I have, also within the last year or so, critiqued the entire series, I can’t help but feel that each of the games, more or less, has interesting and notable qualities about them which not only warrant a playthrough but also justify its top spot on anyone’s list. This is the second-ranking video I have done and the first ranking video I did was on the Batman Arkham games but that video was structured in a more finite and list-like manner. Here, I’d like to Analyze the series as a whole from its different facets regarding gameplay, story, presentation, and so on. I think by determining which games do what the best, we can come to a better understanding of which I feel is the best, and which is my favourite.

I make that distinction between the best and favourite because I actually have two different answers for both. I won’t reveal those answers yet because another flaw with the other ranking video is that I told you what my list was before I gave context and justification, which allowed many people to be baffled enough with my, in my eyes, relatively acceptable opinions to not even hear the context. Another way around this context problem is by just referring you to my other critiques. If you are curious about my in-depth thoughts on all of these games and have a solid chunk of time on your hands, I recommend you watch those videos first. That way this video doesn’t have to be 3 and a half hours long. Of course, spoilers are ahead and with that out of the way let’s talk about the InFAMOUS series and try to answer the question of which InFAMOUS game is the best.

Thank you for watching this video where I start Ranking the inFAMOUS games. Which inFAMOUS Game is the best? What is the best infamous game? I believe this video answers it. If you need more context for any opinions please refer to my infamous series critique playlist. Throughout this infamous series retrospective, I have done a infamous 2 critique an infamous critique, an infamous second son critique, and even covered the two DLC's, First Light and Festival of Blood. I know that this video serves as more of an infamous second son vs infamous 2, but that's just because those games beat the competition for the most part with the exception being the first infamous game. This will be the final video in the that boy aqua infamous series. This is the infamous series ranked, the final piece of my infamous retrospective, and I hope you enjoy it. While the infamous analysis is over, there is always a chance that we get a new infamous game, maybe an infamous ps5 game or an infamous remastered? But for now these are the top 5 infamous games, the best infamous powers the best infamous story, and it functions as an infamous review for the series.

Ranking the inFAMOUS gamesWhich inFAMOUS Game is the bestthe best infamous game

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