This is the intro from an episode of the upcoming Asking for a Pregnant Friend podcast that will launch January 2022 (maybe earlier!) Almost all episodes will also include an interview with an expert in the topic being covered.
To receive more support, get your copy of "Asking for a Pregnant Friend: 101 Answers to Questions Women Are Too Embarrassed to Ask about Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood" - https://www.amazon.com/Asking-Pregnant-Friend-Embarrassed-Childbirth/dp/1608687171
"Feng Shui Mommy: Creating Balance and Harmony for Blissful Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood" at https://www.amazon.com/Feng-Shui-Mommy-Childbirth-Motherhood/dp/1608684717
Email me at BaileyGaddis@yahoo.com if you have any questions about pregnancy, childbirth or early motherhood that you would like answered on this channel :)
Background music is A Pure Embrace by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. https://www.christopherlloydclarke.com. Licensed by Enlightened