Why Would I Throw Away This Best In Slot Item? - UIM Loki #65

Why Would I Throw Away This Best In Slot Item? - UIM Loki #65

The sixty fifth installment of the UIM Loki progress series.
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a bond on the line, what is there to find
a quite simple rhyme, to tickle the mind

one small chance, for an hour not three
a life, to enhance, to come find me

to rise above, through consuming the truth
a Psychonaut does, but to some - it's abuse

the mind is the key, don't dwell on the words
the truth it may be, but here it's absurd

so dwell to the depths, what have you to lose
you have but an hour, i'll be watching - too

9 PM EST - 10 PM EST --- Daily --- Until Someone finds me
I will be in world 369


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