How to SPEED UP your manifestations! | Showing the universe you are ready for your manifestations!

How to SPEED UP your manifestations! | Showing the universe you are ready for your manifestations!

How to SPEED UP your manifestations! | Showing the universe you are ready for your manifestations!

In today's video, I am going to tell you exactly how to manifest fast!

Does this sound like you:

- You drive in your car with the music blasting, have navigation telling you where to go, and talking to you friends in the car
- You are getting ready in the morning while listening to a podcast, making breakfast, taking care of your animals, and trying to rush out the door
- OR you take one look at your to-do list for the day and immediately get overwhelmed and start to panic

Well sis, I am here to give you the permission to slow the heck down! Because when we slow down, we can speed up our manifestation process.

And here is what I mean by this - when we align our energy with that of our future self and act from a place of ease and joy, we are showing the universe that we are ready for our manifestations to come into our reality!

So sis, take some time during your day to start romanticizing life a little more and you will open yourself up to all of the amazing possibilities the universe has in store for you!

May your day be filled with love, light and positivity! ✨๐Ÿ’•


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Here is the equipment i use for my YouTube and Podcast:
Microphone -
Ring light -
Camera microphone -
Camera -

Whole by KallieKallie KleinschmidtPositivity

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