Why Rosaria Is The Only Polearm User In Mondstadt So Far (Genshin Impact Analysis)

Why Rosaria Is The Only Polearm User In Mondstadt So Far (Genshin Impact Analysis)

In this video, we'll be looking into why polearm users are so few in Mondstadt and a possible reason why Rosaria will be the only one for a very long time.

0:00 -​ Intro
2:10​ - History of Weapon Prestige
10:32 - Military Significance of Mondstadt's Swords
16:55​ - The Polearms Downfall
20:34 - Outro

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Credits to u/porkbuttmeat ❤. Check out their post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/qnhls3/social_class_and_weaponry_in_mondstadt/

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