Tower of Fantasy global cancel info: https://www.mmobyte.tv/rip-tower-of-fantasy-cancels-global-english-release/
Tower of Fantasy genshin killer: https://gamingonphone.com/news/tower-of-fantasy-caught-using-a-plagiarised-video-as-their-own-promotional-video/
So right now Genshin Impact is no longer has a competitor because the game that supposed to be the Genshin killer or Genshin competitor global released was canceled, but there is one more competitor that is Seven Deadly Sins: Origin, but right now it's only a trailer, probably the Beta release will be 2 years from now. MiHoYo can sleep peacefully right now and might be this is the best moment to appreciate The players more for example give more event with more Freemogems or Free Primogems rewards of Free characters or Free outfits or skins.
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