#recipe #bharatyogafood #acharyapratishtha
It's very important to take proper diet but there is a complete science behind When to eat what, at what time what has to be eaten , how much time it has to be eaten and much more...
This is a wonderful tea recipe for those who want to lose weight and want to live a healthy life.
Let's get the recipe through this video.
To learn Step by Step Surya Namaskar - https://youtu.be/KZjr3lsRzfk
Science behind surya namaskar - https://youtu.be/pU1HqX0oMkI
108 Surya Namaskar Yes or no - https://youtu.be/h7SzuYC0NSk
To join the upcoming 200 hour Yoga Instructor Course - https://pages.razorpay.com/yicourse
To watch videos on english - https://youtube.com/c/BharatYogaEnglish
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