Creating a space for a fruit garden.
Yesterday was the first day in the garden. I thought I'd clean up the remains of the vegetables I planted last year. To be fair to me it was a disaster not even a carrot!. That said some of the cuttings I took have taken... A flicker of light in the dark...
Anyways now I have cleaned the patch I was wondering what to do? I have decided to try and create a fruit garden. Ambitious I know but I'm no rabbit so veg is out.
I have ordered strawberries, mini apple bush, a fig bush, miniature damson tree, grapes and rhubarb. There maybe a bit more but me can't remember everything. Main thing is I am having a go.
I feel if I can create a fruit garden it will be interesting / beneficial not just for myself but for others!
The time-lapse was set wrong on the camera so I have done the best I could with the footage I had.
The beginning of a fruit garden
Music & images
Kelly Shenker