YO! Today I have my newest team for you! So @CloverBells tasked myself and @NeilVGC to make our OWN Dialga teams so that we could collaborate together! SO, this is my version of Dialga! This Dialga team revolves around using this wicked combo of Tangrowth and Dialga. This duo goes absolutely insane in this video. If you guys enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like/comment/subscribe for more Series 12!
ALSO: Make sure to check out my Friends Neil and Clover because I will be on their channels soon!
Neil's YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOrGIvcnyWjmSjnrDApRDCg
Clover's YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/CloverBells
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Member: You gain access to all my Emotes, you get a Loyalty Badge next to your name, AND you get access to Member only videos
Member +: all of the Member perks, plus you get a Member Only video made using YOUR team (or any team you’d like to see)
Ultimate Member: All the perks from the previous two tiers, and access to a 2 hour team building/playing Video with ME!
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I am a part of Apprentice Esports! Make sure to check them out on twitter! https://twitter.com/Appr_Esports
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Music: https://www.youtube.com/user/GlitchxCity
TikTok: @Bryce_Mandby