Illiberal Law in American Courts

Illiberal Law in American Courts

This talk offers a preliminary assessment of some of the difficulties that arise when American judges encounter the laws of authoritarian countries. It begins by spelling out the scope and scale of U.S. judicial engagement with authoritarian legal systems. It then catalogs some of the interpretive problems that arise from such encounters, before offering a framework and a vocabulary for analyzing judicial responses to these problems.

Mark Jia is a fellow with Harvard Law School's East Asian Legal Studies Program, and Incoming Associate Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center. He writes on courts, procedure, and public law, with focus on China and the United States. Mark served previously as law clerk to Justice David Souter (ret.), Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Judge William Fletcher. He is a graduate of Princeton, Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar, and Harvard Law School, where he was Articles Co-Chair of the Harvard Law Review.

Dr. Jedidiah Kroncke is an associate professor of law at the University of Hong Kong, holding a law degree from Yale and a doctrorate in anthropology from UC Berkeley. His research focuses on international and comparative legal history, as well as law and political approaches to labor and property law. He currently teaches property, equity and trusts, as well as courses in common law reasoning for civil law students. Previously, he was a professor at FGV Sao Paulo School of Law, and before this he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, NYU and Yale.

Dr. Angela Zhang, Director of the Centre for Chinese Law at the University of Hong Kong

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