Joe Rogan hosts Theo at his studio in Austin for a very special episode of This Past Weekend. They talk about their plans for the apocalypse, a genderless future, exploding bees, and Gary Busey. It’s a vape fueled conversation. It’s Joe Rogan.
Special thanks to Jamie Vernon for producing: https://www.instagram.com/jamievernon/
Tour Dates! https://theovon.com/tour
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Music: "Shine" by Bishop Gunn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3A_coTcUek
Submit your funny videos, TikToks, questions and topics you'd like to hear on the podcast to: tpwproducer@gmail.com
Hit the Hotline: 985-664-9503
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This Past Weekend
1906 Glen Echo Rd
PO Box #159359
Nashville, TN 37215
Find Theo:
Website: https://theovon.com
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Producer: Zach https://www.instagram.com/zachdpowers/
Producer: Colin https://instagram.com/colin_reiner