GUESS the PRICE!🤑#shorts #short #trending

GUESS the PRICE!🤑#shorts #short #trending

today @Jentzen Ramirez and @faye play guess the price at Target! do you like to go shopping? will Faye get to keep any of her items? this could be viral on youtube shorts! tiktok may make it trending because everyone is shopping for back to school! this trend is a fun challenge and a great youtube short! you might feel bad for jentzen at the end but it's really funny! has anyone seen this on tiktok? or just on youtube shorts? what famous youtuber makes the best shorts? what item would you guess the price of? beauty or fashion? or maybe sports or candy?
rebcecca zamolo and Mila from the anasala family should do this short! or Jordan matter's daughter salish and her best friend Nidal would have fun with this for sure! Sssniperwolf would be funny reacting to youtube shorts and not just tiktoks! what would sssiperwolf want to buy? lol comment the most important back to school item and beauty item below! should Faye spend all of her allowance? so you shop at target or Walmart? we like target, it usually has a Starbucks in it! what other challenges should we do on youtube shorts feed? help us make our shorts viral and share them and remix them! did you see our Starbucks short? could you remember that? love you guys!

rock squadrock sqaudfaye

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