Nihonshu is an alcoholic beverage also known as Japanese sake. The Embassy of Japan in New Delhi is seeking a Geographical Indication (GI) tag for nihonshu.
It is also the first time a product from Japan has filed for a GI tag at the Geographical Indication Registry in Chennai.
What is special about nihonshu?
In Japan, nihonshu is regarded as a valuable beverage. It is made from fermenting rice.
People traditionally drink nihonshu on special occasions such as festivals, weddings or funerals, apart from daily consumption. Thus, it is an integral part of the lifestyle and culture in Japan.
Read more here: https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/geographical-indication-tag-sought-for-nihonshu-an-alcoholic-beverage-from-japan/article66027867.ece
Reporting: Sangeetha Kandavel
Voiceover & Production: Abhinaya Sriram
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#nihonshu #japanesesake #geographicalindication