'the Life I should have lived' - revisiting my past choices (and why they matter)
I remember when I first heard the concept of our "un-lived lives' and thinking it sounded rather odd. I can only live one life right now, why wonder about what could have been? And yet, I find that I do wonder, quite often - it's natural to consider other ways we could have lived, or decisions we could have made. I think it's easy to fall into this thinking when we believe we have made a mistake, or regret a choice. And yet, I think there is power in considering what 'could have been' - but instead of letting it lead us into guilt or regret, let it inspire and empower us to enrich our lives with multiple passions and interests. We cannot fulfill every dream, but we can carry the essence of those dreams with us. I don't know if this is a very relatable subject, but perhaps it can inspire a conversation. Sending my love.
MY ETSY SHOP is closing near the end of the month due to my tiny post office getting too busy that time of year, I appreciate your support in the meantime!🦊🍄 It helps me keep this channel running: https://www.etsy.com/shop/thecottagefairyart
My Book - The Cottage Fairy Companion - is now available for pre-order!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3wUuaKA
Also available at my local bookstore, Trail’s End Books: https://www.trailsendbookstore.com/book/9781642509793
Other purchase options (including international) available on my linktree: https://linktr.ee/the_cottage_fairy
❤️No obligation whatsoever, but if you would like to donate to support this channel $8 will get a thank you postcard (my own art) from me in the mail (please note: you must include address in your note so I can send it!). It is much appreciated: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=HHM6PC6SV23UN
(Now and then a postcard has been returned to me or lost in the mail. If you have not received a postcard e-mail me at endymionmerrill@gmail.com! I send them out once a month, so definitely don’t be too worried if it has been a couple weeks but do contact me if you have any concerns. )
Thank you!
🦋Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_cottage_fairy/
Business e-mail: endymionmerrill@gmail.com
Information and conservation efforts in the beautiful Okanogan County: https://methowconservancy.org
🌎 Take action to protect our lands (no donations necessary): https://www.audubon.org/takeaction
🌙 My favorite charity: https://www.nrdc.org
☀️Take Action: https://www.sierraclub.org/take-action
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