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+=~---------------------A Message From Me----------------------~=+
Hello guys, the noob is back! It's a tragic that I can never talk publically about what really happened during my period of inactivity, but at least I made it and will start making more videos. In fact, I almost abandoned my YouTube channel because it really was such a pain making contents in a place where YouTube is banned. Be grateful for what you are given, because you never know how much it would mean for people of other places.
@SSolus @minutetechmc @ClownPierce @Target3dGaming @Kariyu101
+=~---------------------Aim Lab Minecraft Server----------------------~=+
IP: Play.Bridger.Land
+=~---------------------Social Media----------------------~=+
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bedlessnoob/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bedlessnoob
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/bedless
0:00 Video Begins
1:22 Sponsor
2:29 Video Continues!