Suppose you’re a fan of “Shark Week” on the Discovery Channel. In that case, you’re likely to be familiar with shark expert Dr. Austin Gallagher. Austin spent some time with our podcast host, Richard Wiese, for our Explorers are Tougher Podcast. They talked about ocean conservation, and we learned that sharks could be so much more than the subject of marine studies. They can actually be partners and collaborators to help us gain new scientific insights into the oceanic world.
Dr. Gallagher has always had a keen interest in marine biology, even from a young age. He credits his parents for keeping him supplied with books to feed his quest for knowledge. He became intrigued by the huge animals living under the water, and so began his life-long enthusiasm for marine life. A pivotal point came when he was twelve years old and took a marine biology field trip to the Florida Keys and had the opportunity to swim with sharks.
One of the interesting points that Austin makes during this interview is the fact that although wild animals, as a rule, are unpredictable, sharks are relatively predictable. You must, however, meet them on their terms, not ours. He shares insight into their hunting logic and offers suggestions for deterring a shark attack.
When asked about shark attacks, Austin points out that conservation efforts for white sharks have gone exceptionally well. As shark populations grow and thrive and human beachgoers increase, there will inevitably be more interactions.
To learn more about this marine biologist and shark expert, visit his website, or watch him on the Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week.” To hear about other explorers, join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: Explorers are TOUGHER! !At https://www.lifestough.com/podcast/explorers/.
Richard Wiese, the host of this podcast, is an American explorer. He is the author of the guidebook, Born to Explore: How to Be a Backyard Adventurer. He became the youngest person to become president of the Explorers Club in 2002. Richard is also Executive Producer and Host of the PBS weekly television series Born to Explore with Richard Wiese.