Medigap – Medigap Plans Explained
Medigap is the very best coverage that people on Medicare can get. Whether you are new to Medicare, or perhaps you have been on a few years and maybe you’re leaving your Medicare advantage plan like millions of people do each year, enrolling in a Medigap Insurance plan is one of the best decisions you can possibly make.
Medigap helps pay for expenses found in original Medicare. These expenses include deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments that you are required to pay. A Medigap plan will help pay these for you, leaving you with very little out-of-pocket expenses.
Medigap plans are put out by private insurance companies that were right alongside Medicare. The best part is, there is no network!
Unlike Medicare Advantage plans, with a Medigap plan, you can visit any doctor, specialist, or hospital in the country that accepts Medicare. You get to choose your own doctor!
And you get to keep a benefit that you work your entire life or which is Medicare.
There are currently 10 different Medigap plans available, however, most people enroll in only one of three.
Watch our video to find out which Medigap plans are the best for you, and then call us today to get help to see which company offers the lowest premiums in your area.
Keep in mind that every insurance carrier has the exact same Medigap plans, coverage, and benefits. But they all charge different rates for it!
You can easily overpay by choosing the wrong company, but we don’t let that happen.
Our service is entirely free in our clients love it. I Will shop the rates and find you the lowest premiums now, and for years to come so you’re always paying the least amount possible.
Learning about and finding the right Medigap plans is easy, just call us today at 1-888-891-0229
Call us today!