Manifesting LOVE becomes EASY AF when you do this. If you'd like to truly Wire In the VIBRATION OF LOVE, be sure to check out this Meditation ➡ https://youtu.be/urLm5MfM1Tw
Access the Inner Child Meditation here: ➡ https://aarondoughty.com/child
#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
If you were to go over to my YouTube channel right now, type in Manifesting Love, Aaron Doughty, what you would see is you would see probably two to 500 videos on attracting love.
And a lot of those were based in some of the old school philosophies if you wanna attract
something then do X, Y, Z. This is the energy dynamic of it, blah, blah blah.
Now, here is a video for you. I think it's the last video you really have to watch on this, and it is the most effective and powerful way of attracting love and manifesting love, when really it's a kind of a counterintuitive thing 'cause manifesting love and attracting love is bulls##t.
What I mean by bulls##t is I mean, it is not the stereotypical way that we think about is we are attracting something from outside, inside.
It gums from the inside out and it has to do with looking or finding a reflection but not looking, finding a reflection of the love that you already have in yourself.
And when I look at the process of attracting love, it is not bringing something into your life. It is not doing something a little bit different, you know, what is the one technique that you can use? How can you see something a little bit differently or say the right thing when you're dating or texting someone?
It has nothing to do with that. This is what it actually has to do with and I'm gonna share with you that in this video.