Infertility in Men and Women: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment | Infertility Treatment for Women

Infertility in Men and Women: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment | Infertility Treatment for Women

Bioglen নিবেদিত মেডিলাইভের ৮৮৬ তম পর্বের বিষয় "সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে ইনফার্টিলিটির সমস্যা ও করনীয়", এ নিয়ে কথা বলতে সাথে থাকছেন ডা. নাসীম মাহমুদ, কনসালট্যান্ট, স্ত্রী রোগ ও প্রসূতি বিভাগ, ইউনাইটেড হসপিটাল, ঢাকা

Infertility manifests itself differently in men and women. The symptoms, causes, and treatment options vary for both male and female infertility. Before treatment, it is best to understand them.

Let’s talk about the #infertility symptoms in female first. These can include painful or irregular periods, pain during sex, non-occurrence of periods, symptoms of hormone fluctuations like thinning hair and skin issues. Infertility causes in women relate to the abnormal functioning of the uterus, ovulation disorders, or endometriosis.

Women infertility diagnosis can be conducted by looking at their medical and sexual history. The doctor can also opt for physical examination through ovulation and ovarian reserve testing, hysterosalpingogram (HSG), transvaginal ultrasound, or hormone testing. If a patient is diagnosed with infertility, women infertility treatment can be done through medication to boost fertility, surgical procedures, or ovulation induction. They can also undergo surgeries tubal surgery, myomectomy, or transvaginal ultrasound aspiration to restore fertility.

Infertility symptoms in men are different. They may notice reduced sex drive, testicle pain or swelling, or have trouble maintaining an erection, which can be symptomatic of infertility. Sometimes, it is caused due to genetic conditions. More frequently, infertility causes in men are hormonal disorders, sexual disorders, or abnormal production of sperms.

If you suspect infertility, it would be best to consult a doctor. They may recommend semen analysis, hormone testing, ultrasound (TRUS), scrotal doppler, genetic testing, or testicular biopsy to make accurate male infertility diagnosis. The primary mode of treatment could be medication to boost sperm count. Otherwise, some surgical options available for male infertility treatment are varicocele surgery, vasovasostomy, vasoepididymostomy, and transurethral resection of ejaculatory duct (TURED).

Today, there are Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) that can help to boost fertility and lead to pregnancy. Some of them are:
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) - transferring sperm into the woman’s uterus
In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) - Fertilizing an egg in a lab by using natural selection.
Intra-cytoplasmic injection (ICSI) - Fertilizing an egg in a lab by using manual selection.
Vitrification - freezing eggs or sperms to be used later.
Currently, the success of the above procedures depends on the woman’s age, and they are most successful in women below 35 years of age.

Infertility can also be prevented by adopting healthier habits. To maintain good fertility, one should exercise regularly, engage in regular intercourse, avoid alcohol and smoking, reduce caffeine intake and exposure to toxins, and maintain a healthy weight.

Watch the video to learn more about medical technology that can help combat infertility.

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