Latest today Bihar evening news of 18 august on
BPSC, Muharram, IGIMS bihar flood,Virat kohli, Tejashwiv
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1. #BPSC to restore head teacher and headmaster
2. Panchayat elections get facility to file online nominations for the first time
3. Manega #Muharram tomorrow with guidelines in Bihar
4. Not a single corona infected in 25 districts of Bihar
5. Deputy Chief Minister #TarkishorePrasad warns officials sternly
6. Patna to hear fodder scam case
7. Rupees released for scholarships for girl students who passed graduation
8. Patna #IGIMS to now provide four new facilities to patients
9. Bihar beats UP in terms of tap water connections
10. Nalanda's Aparna creates history by cycling from Bihar to Kerala
11. Flood breaks roads in Kahalgaon, Bhagalpur
12. Tejashwi advises aircraft to be put in relief instead of aerial survey
13. #UpendravvKushwaha accuses opposition of playing politics over floods
14. Heavy rain likely in several districts of the state
15. Today is a special day for captain Kohli in this sense