Who can be the new president of Afghanistan amongst Taliban Key Leaders?

Who can be the new president of Afghanistan amongst Taliban Key Leaders?

This video is about leadership structure of Taliban and a brief introduction of key leaders of Taliban. Leadership of Taliban is headed by the Ameer or sometimes called Ameer-ul-Momineen. Molvi Haibatullah Akhvandzada is the current of Ameer of Taliban since 2016 after his predecessor Mullah Akhtar Manssor was targeted in a US Drone strike in May 2016 in Baluchistan province of Pakistan. Prior assuming command, Molvi Haibatullah was Chief Justice of Taliban. He is the supreme authority in all the affairs of Taliban.
He is assisted by Mullah Abdul Gani Bradar as head of Political Affairs. Mullah Abdul Gani Bradar is also considered as the Naieb Ameer or second-in-command and is one of the original founders of Taliban. He was the close friend of Mullah Muhammad Omer, the founder and spiritual leader of Taliban. He remained on the key positions during Taliban’s first government prior US attacked Afghanistan in 2001. Mullah Abdul Gani Baradar is also considered the founder of Quetta Shura that reportedly controlled the military operations against allied forces in Afghanistan. Mullah Baradar was captured by Pakistan forces near Karachi on 8th February 2010. His imprisonment was then considered as the turning point in Afghan war. He remained captive of Pakistan till 2018 when upon the request of United States he was released and became the Chief of Taliban’s Diplomatic Office in Doha, Qatar. He remained the main negotiator of Peace Deal with United States. He was the man who signed Peace Agreement as representative of Taliban on 29th February 2020 that later resulted in the complete withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. On 17th August 2021, Baradar was returned back to Afganistan after 20 years. His landing at Qandhaar airport was extremely emotional moment for Taliban. It is also expected that Mullah Baradar will be given key responsibility in the new political setup of Afghanistan.
Third in the list is Mullah Muhammad Yaqoob, the son of founder of Taliban Mullah Muhammad Omer. He is the Operational Commander of Taliban’ Fighting Wing and is designated as Military Chief. Mullah Muhammad Yaqoob is considered the moderate leader of Taliban that supported the end of war through a peace deal. He was the predecessor of Ibrahim Saddar.
The forth on the list is Sirajuddin Haqqani, the head of famous Haqqani Network. Haqqani network, founded by Maulvi Jalaluddin Haqqani, is an offshoot of Taliban that fought the intense guerilla insurgency and asymmetric warfare against US-led NATO & Afghan forces. Sirajjuddin Haqqani was also the member of Quetta Shurah. Throughout the 21 years of Afghan War, the Haqqani Network remained the most powerful opponent of US-lead NATO that caused the major losses & damages to allied forces.
On the third tier of Taliban leadership, there are three military wings under the Military Chief of Taliban Mullah Muhammad Yaqoob. Easter & Northen Military Wing of Taliban is headed by the Mullah Abdul Qayum Zakir. The Western and Southern Military wing of Taliban is headed by Mullah Sadar Ibrahim who remained one of the most wanted Taliban militant leaders by the Afghan forces. He also remained Military Chief prior Mullah Muhammad Yaqoob.
The third wing under Military Chief Mullah Yaqoob is consist of 5000 service units that are responsible to provide logistics support to fighters through Afghanistan. In parallel, these are three other organizational levels of Taliban. One amongst these is Rahbar Shurah. A 26 member shurah, consisting of key leaders of Taliban, is considered the supreme body of Taliban and is responsible for all major decisions. The justice department f Taliban is headed by Mullah Abdul Hakeem. He is considered the hard-liner. He came into spot light when Taliban appointed the Chief Negotiator for Peace talks at Qatar. He is widely respected and honored amongst the Taliban for his religious credentials.

⌚ Timestamps:
00:00 Taliban Ameer Molvi Haibatullah Akhvandzada
00:42 Mullah Abdul Gani Bradar
02:17 Mullah Muhammad Yaqoob
03:05 Sirajuddin Haqqani
04:08 Mullah Abdul Qayum Zakir
04:25 Mullah Sadar Ibrahim

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