The Story Tucker Guests Like Michael Tracey Refuse To Cover

The Story Tucker Guests Like Michael Tracey Refuse To Cover

Michael Tracey spends his days trying to find niches that are stupid enough that he'll be the only one covering them, and this time he's succeeded. This is is bad for all of us, because now we have to hear about his faux crusade, which truly could be absolutely anything, but is in this instance "colleges acting like authoritarian dictatorships because of Covid rules." Well, in this segment, the Majority Report crew challenges Michael Tracey's journalistic integrity when Michael dares to ignore a serious question about Title 42 expulsions and Tucker Carlson's take on this issue from Matt Lech via Twitter. Michael Tracey rudely ignores the question and calls Matt a creep.

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Matt Lech: Michael Tracey says, "I don't know or care how Tucker feels," that's weird, because I think we all know and some of us care how Tucker feels about that issue, "I've been covering a different issue entirely, and your little crew's response was to launch yet another YouTube gossip session that had nothing to do with what I've actually written/said. Happy to discuss it on air, creep."
Sam Seder: Well here is, we're not discussing whatever you know, whatever he's doing with his girlfriend or whatever it is.
ML: I'm asking a direct question about when he's going to condemn Title 42.
SS: Yes, where is the intellectual integrity, the journalistic integrity, the integrity of your principle, that we are overreacting as a society to Covid. When it comes to the idea that Covid is justifying the complete abridgment of our statutory protections that we allow for refugees and immigrants.
EV: And yeah, not a reaction that is very well documented as not legal when we were looking at both international law and United States law. So law is not always a useful way to look at some of these things, but for their purposes it could not be more clear-cut: We are supposed to have an asylum process in this country and the usage of Title 42 infringes upon that process. And so you want to talk about that...
SS: It totally obliterates it! And let's be clear: There's no question that a private college has the legal right to impose restrictions.
ML: Is Connecticut College violating international law?
SS: It's not even abridging its own policies.
SS: Why might one be afraid to do that on Twitter? Which, incidentally there was a very good piece that that showed that in terms of growing your Substack, Twitter is really the only way to do it. And so if you're on Twitter, and your Substack relies on a certain audience that has a certain perspective about things...
ML: Certain feeling about Haitian immigrants.
SS: might be reluctant — even if it's a nuanced position, even if you had to say I, of course, have mixed feelings about the idea of allowing more Haitian immigrants, this is an example of Covid overreach — you might be afraid that like... well, I want to make it clear. Look at my first qualification: I have questions about Haitian immigrants coming in.
ML: I mean, that's because what I call the "Tucker Guests," what they do is lie by emphasis to support a Right-wing agenda, basically. And so Zaid himself and a few of the other guys would retweet the images of the people under the bridge saying like the cruelty is the point, and that's sort of like the Biden hypocrisy point. Not saying, we should be processing these people to let them in. Because guess what? All of their audience would hate that. Look at the people who comment and quote tweet on those tweets saying, "What do we owe these people?" "Why didn't they follow the laws?" "Why don't they respect their laws?" That's the audience these people are cultivating. I would love the Substack crew to get together, and I'll come up with their own individual numbers of how many Haitian immigrants you want combine that and then we'll see what the total number is between all you guys.
SS: Be fascinating.
EV: It says happy to discuss on air, maybe we can pin him down on that.
SS: My experience with Michael Tracey is that he will say he's happy to discuss something on air but when he does come on air he will not answer those questions.

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