Philip Morris recently announced they secured a $2.5 billion loan (credit facility). It seems like many $HCMC stockholders believe it’s to pay an imminent settlement. Me, being the buzzkill lawyer man that I am, made a quick video explaining that it’s just business financial operations connected to new product development. But, in exchange for that buzzkilling, I give you my opinion for all HCMC stockholders at the end of the video (it's less buzzkilly, I promise!).
00:01 Intro
00:27 About the New Loan
02:06 Why Do This Now?
02:55 Why is it $1B Less Than Before?
03:33 My Opinion on HCMC Stockholder Future
HCMC v. PM Docket on PacerMonitor: https://www.pacermonitor.com/case/37309414/Healthier_Choices_Management_Corp_v_Philip_Morris_USA,_Inc_et_al
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This is only for educational purposes only. This video and my opinions are not legal advice or financial advice. Make your own informed decisions.
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Production Notes: Music by bensound.com